Thursday, February 2, 2012

Why I Must Drink More Red Wine

Today I learned that my cholesterol levels are elevated which came as a complete shock because I have always been convinced, with no scientific evidence whatsoever, that I had my father's genes, who had the great good fortune to eat whatever he wanted - and he was the biggest ice cream-asauaus I've ever known - and maintain year-in year-out perfectly normal cholesterol levels.

 I am very resentful of this news, as I am a VERY healthy eater.  And I'm VERY resentful that my doctor, whom I otherwise quite like, suggested I pop by her office to pick up a pamphlet on cholesterol and healthy eating.  Okay, so I, like my father, like ice cream, but I don't eat it every night like he did, only on the weekends.  And it is true that I only like South African ice cream with my hot fudge on it, which now that I think of it is made with real butter and cream.  And yes, I have done  as the Romans do, so my red meat consumption has gone up since moving to South Africa.  Alright, and I know I should eat white meat chicken, but I only like the dark meat.  And well there is that occasional delve into the frozen homemade chocolate chip cookie dough, also made from real butter, habit.   But other than that I really am a healthy eater.  I eat loads of salad, and yogurt, and fruit, and oats, and nuts, and have been known to eat fish.   What more can be asked of me??

I have some recollection of reading studies showing that red wine and dark chocolate can help reduce cholesterol levels.  Okay, if I must, I will up my consumption of red wine and fine chocolate.   After all, sacrifices must be made for one's health.

1 comment:

  1. Oh dear: Once again you have been unfortunate enough to have inherited your mother's defective genes. I remember exactly where i was (in my office with Wayne across the hall overhearing the phone conversation) when my doctor called with the results of my cholesterol test. I was, I hate to tell you, just as shocked as you are and also about the same age as you when I received the most unwelcome news. An orgy of oatbran muffins followed and lowered the cholesterol but they don't taste as good as your hot fudge ice-cream sauce. Moderation in all things, which I think I remember was one of your father's mottos!
