Thursday, January 12, 2012

Sophisticated Work

Tonight while I was making dinner, Quince, feeling in a loving mood (I'm sure it is because Alexander is away at Leadership Camp and she is basking in single kiddom) said, "Mama, thank you so much for giving me life twice. First when you gave birth to me and then by feeding me for all these years." Then Bill walked into the room.  Not wanting him to feel left out, she said, "And Daddy, thank you for going to work." Realizing her error immediately, she quickly added, "I am thanking you because your work is sophisticated." 

I must say, I am a bit proud of myself because she still has her head, and I didn't even send her to bed without supper.  In fact, I very calmly just asked her to explain what she meant. Turns out those who go into offices have sophisticated work, and those of us who work from home do not.   Apparently, according to Quince, when we were in the States and I was going into the YouthBuild office, my work was sophisticated but now, even though I am doing very similar work from home, is not.   Who knew?   (but I really do want sophisticated work - does anyone have an office I can come work in?)
Tonight while I made dinner, Quince, feeling in a loving mood (I'm sure it is because her brother is out of town for 4 days and she is basking in single-kiddom), said, "Mommy, thank you for
Tonight Tonight while I made dinner, Quince, feeling in a loving mood (I'm sure it is because her brother is out of town for 4 days and she is basking in single-kiddom), said, "Mommy, thank you for

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