Sunday, January 15, 2012

Balloon Friends?

When I was about Quince's age, I remember finding a rock, not a particularly note-worthy rock as I recall, that I formed this attachment to. I carried it with my everywhere like a secret friend to keep me company.  When out for walk, I would put it down and kick it out in front of me as one does - but I made sure never to kick it so far that I would lose it. At then end of the walk, I'd pick it up and pop it back in my pocket.

Quince too forms these attachments to inanimate things, so I wasn't surprised when I saw her yesterday at Tanya's birthday party gathering all the party balloons into a small area. Sure enough she had attached and wanted to adopt them.  Long process short, Tanya relinquished her parental rights to the balloons.  Bill rigged a towel sling to get the herd of balloons to the car. Once home Quince squirreled herself away in her room, drew faces on and named every one. Then she put them all in her bottom bunk and put them to bed.

Awwww, cute, clever, creative.  Except am I the only one that thinks they're also incredibly creepy? In that horror movie come-alive-in-the-middle-of-the-night sort of way. What about a nice rock for a friend, Quince?

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